Digital Marketing

Opera at the Mill
Opera at the Mill is a community event held by Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale. When they came to us, they already have a name for the event in mind. With a limited timeframe, we were able to create a suite of marketing assets for the event event resulting in a complete sellout.

WA Police Interactive Graffiti Information Booklet
The Western Australian Police Force's Graffiti team asked us to come up with an innovative solution to present information in way that would engage easily with a larger audiences. We suggested modifying the existing brochure to become an animated flip book accessible via a link or i-frame from anywhere on the internet.

Trace Archaeology - Heritage Management Services
The contrasting synergy between past, present and future is the key ethos of Trace Archaeology. This is clear through the advanced approach the team take in relation to all historical, cultural and anthropological projects on which it is engaged.
This same contrast applies to the Trace digital presence. We work closely with the archaeological team to ensure all communication is presented respectfully, accurately and professionally.

Baileys: family-owned producers of premium horticultural products
We provide Baileys with creative content, growth strategies and target-driven campaigns across all their digital and social media platforms.
From calculated sales campaigns to new product launches and increasing brand awareness, we devise pre-planned, monthly goals with the team at Baileys. Flametree then assist throughout each digital campaign, to ensure the best possible outcome from each project, We then report and re-target as required, based on results.
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There's not much we don't know about creating and promoting brands. Contact us today to discover how we can help grow your business.