Western Australian Police Force
WA Police Interactive Graffiti Information Booklet
The Western Australian Police Force's Graffiti team asked us to come up with an innovative solution to present information in way that would engage easily with a larger audience. We suggested modifying the existing brochure to become an animated flip book available via a link or i-frame from anywhere on the internet.
As a team of creative thinkers, we appreciate expressions of art in all their forms. However when an expression is directly damaging the livelihood of individuals and local community businesses, we believe this contradicts the self-expressive ethos that artistic graffiti is built on. In a recent project with the WA Police Force, we built and launched Graffiti Vandalism & Private Business. This interactive e-book provides vital information for local businesses to report, prevent and combat vandalism in an easy-to-read, engaging format.
The Brief
Urban Art, unlike graffiti vandalism, is legal artwork where permission to mark the surface has been granted by the owner of the property. Urban Art projects strategically sited in hotspot areas can be an effective graffiti-prevention strategy and is recommended by the WA Police Force Graffiti team.
Has your business been affected by uninspired scribbles or scratches? Access the free Graffiti Vandalism Resource Guide HERE
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